- Lab-Tested For Purity
There are multiple types of eucalyptus on the market. Most consumers are most familiar with Eucalyptus globulus, which has a harsher scent and can cause reactions in children. We carry a Eucalyptus radiata, which has been found to be more effective for many applications and which we believe is safe for use on children. Our eucalyptus oil is steam-distilled from wood and leaves grown in Australia and South Africa.
Expiration Date
12/31/2026 00:00:00UPC
Eucalyptus radiate.
Suggested Use
Eucalyptus is great for use on the skin. Our variety has a high concentration of eucalyptol, which is a common ingredient in muscle and breathing rubs. Diffuse, mix into a blend or apply in 2-5% dilution.
Extremely potent: use with care.